Kamis, 12 September 2013

Speech about MORAL

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Excellency juries, respected committee of English speech contest , the MC and all audience.
Standing here before you first of all, I wish good and peace morning be on you all.
In the name of Allah the all merciful, the all compassionate. All praises and thanks due to Allah the master of the universe. Peace and solution be upon to Prophet Muhammad SAW, as the last messenger who has given us from the darkness to the lightness of Islam . I bear witness that there is no worthy of worship except Allah SWT and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad SAW is Allah’s messenger.

I’d like to say thanking to the MC and committee of this English speech contest for giving me the chance to have a speech today. Here I come up with the theme about “MORAL VALUES”

Dear ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,
Why Moral Values for Students?
As parents and educators, we should all advocate the teaching of moral values in our schools for the following reasons:
1. Preparing Our Children For Future Roles In Society:
2. Many Parents Aren 't Teaching Moral Values:
3. There is Too Much Violence and Dishonesty in Society:
4. To Counter Bad Influences in Society:
5. Moral Values Will Stick With You For Life:
Top Seven Moral Values:
It would serve society well if the following seven moral values for students were taught in educational institutions:
1. Unconditional Love and Kindness:
In most cases, if you love someone, he or she will love you back in return. This, however, is not the real meaning of love. Love should be unconditional. With more love in the world, kindness will follow and replace cruelty.
2. Honesty:
Students must be taught that dishonesty and cheating is wrong, and will get you nowhere in the future. As a student, one is only hurting himself or herself by cheating, because this action will eventually catch up to you in the end with bad consequences.
3. Hard Work:
Nowadays, so many students want to cheat and cut corners in their studies, because they are lazy and don 't place any value on hard word. This thinking must change.
4. Respect For Others:
Respect for others should include respecting different religions, races, sexes, ideas, and life styles.
5. Co-operation:
To achieve a common goal, it is necessary for all people to work together. If this is not done, a few people may profit, but the end result for everyone will be a failure. I still believe in the motto, "united we stand and divided we fall."
6. Compassion:
Compassion is defined as being sensitive to the needs of people. If there were more compassion in the world, there would be less homeless, hunger, wars, and unhappiness.
7. Forgiveness:
Allah SWT  taught us to forgive our enemies or people who hurt us. Anger in most cases is caused by an unwillingness to forgive. There would be less violence and fighting in school if students could learn this moral virtue.
 Dear  ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters.
The conclusion of my speech today is as students we must not only comprehend the definition, the backround and top seven moral values, but also apply them on daily life.

 Dear ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,
That’s all my speech today, and I hope it will be very useful for us ,moreover if there are any harmed words, please forgive me, I beg your pardon and it will be very excited if another time, I’ll be with you again, thanks for your attention .

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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